Here are three little stuffed animals I worked up yesterday. They don't take much fabric or buttons, and are really cute. I'll add them to a shelve and they will make me smile when viewed. If I still worked, I'd even consider putting them in my office....just to remind me to be kind and smile more! Ha!
The patterns are all from Bunny Hill Designs...and I got mine at CrazyQuiltSupplies. The fabrics are scraps of left-overs from various projects..and are from the French General Line by Moda mostly.
There is a whole group of these little mini-critters. I chose only three to stitch.
Bunny. I stitched one ear UP and one ear FLOPPSY.
Lamb. I'm thinking about painting the feet and nose black...more like a real lamb would be. Or dark gray like the dots of this pink fabric.
Squirrel. Think I'll do another one in blue as he is nice and flat...without a lot of buttons/ just right for little Brady to play with if I French Knot the eyes. Although these would all make cute little additions to a nursery shelf area...the buttons/beads don't make them good toys for little ones. But, that doesn't mean that us "Biggun's" can't play with them. (Translated: Biggun's is southern slang for grown-up folks!)