Just a quick note to let you know that I've updated the Free CQ Classes page. It now includes links to available supply lists (more to be published as I write/update them); links to more general class information; links to the class schedule for 2015.
So check out the information....and mark the Open Registration Dates on your calender so you won't miss those announcements. As always, I'll open the classes here on the blog...so if you follow, you'll get the news. The dates are a heads up for those that travel, etc. to be watching the blog posts during that specific time-frame.
As you will be able to determine from the schedule...I'm very busy. So, please don't ask me to "pre-register" you for a course. I'm sorry, but I only do that for extraordinary reasons...as it is a lot of extra work for me...and if I "promise" and forget...then everyone is unhappy.
So, all are treated the same...register when the classes are OPEN.
All classes are FREE instructions.
All classes are very detailed and require a ton of reading and printing of instructions/handouts.
All classes require supplies (these may already be in your stash, but if not you will need to purchase them)
All classes are taught in a positive environment...if you can't comply with my ideals of "positive environment"...you will be dropped from the class. I don't have time to deal with folks that bash other people's attempts or want to be disruptive. (Thankfully, I have not had to do this...but the disclaimer is so you know that I don't tolerate this type of behavior.)
Hope to see you in future classes!
And, those 140+ individual in the Basic Class right now...work, work, work!
The Intermediate Class opens on the 26th of February!