I'm about 1/3rd of the way through stitching the samples for the ICQC-105 class. These are photographed (in progress) as they are stitched and here are the finished photos. I am showing them with frames, but they are not actually "in" the frames...just a visual help.
Once the stitching for all samples is complete, all of the instructions have to be written. The patterns are finished for printable guides, so that's done. At present, I'm still working towards the open registration date of 28 March...although a lot needs to be done. So, "life" please no more interuptions. :)
I know that I have moved the course dates once...so don't want to do that again unless it is just too much to get done. I can always begin...and you can wait on me to finish a later task if you go too fast. Ha!
Thought you might like an update as to the status of work on ICQC-105 Silk Ribbon Embroidery Course.
There is no supply list yet for this class, but it will include 2mm, 4mm, 7mm, and 13mm ribbon. Green for sure in each...then "floral colors" of your choice. So far I've used: (2-2mm pkgs) (3-4mm pkgs) (3-7mm pkgs) and (2-13mm pkgs) of silk ribbon. You will be able to substitute rayon seam binding for the 13mm (harder to pull through, but the width is similiar); some flowers may work with organza ribbon (4mm), but the look would be totally different. So, you may want to just obtain some white ribbon in 2mm, 4mm, 7mm, and 13mm sizes. Then, you can dye, ink, or use as white for all examples we will be working on. This is a "heavy" class in terms of silk ribbon supplies....but I'll be as understanding as possible with you to allow for substitutions.
I still have several roses, daisies, sunflowers, violets, and mystery flowers to stitch. The course will have 10-15 tasks...not final on that yet.