IMPORTANT: This courseDOES REQUIRE that you have completed the Basic Crazy Quilt Course (BCQC-1) before registering. So, please ensure that you have finished the BCQC-1 before submitting your registration information. While it is also good to have completed the ICQC-103 and 104 courses...they is not required. You can also take this course at the same time as the ICQC-103 or 104 course (if you can make the time for both).
Completion of the BCQC-2 course or any of the other ICQC courses is not necessary to sign up for this Ribbon Embroidery course...only the BCQC-1 has to be finished first.
There will be TEN different tasks to complete in this course, with about twelve different motifs to stitch. All of the designs will be printed on fabric (or optionally you can trace the designs in the handout to your fabric). (The tenth task is a surprise and any ribbon size/color can be used)
The motifs for this module will be stitched directly to fabric rather than to crazy quilt blocks. Most of these designs are very detailed...and tracing them through layers of fabric is just not feasible. So, consider these "technique tasks". After you have learned each of these can pick/choose which ones to use again in the future for your existing CQ projects. The finished motifs CAN of course be used in new pieced blocks as well as stitching samples for current blocks. If you want to create these on existing blocks, that is fine...but will require some extra work on your part to create tissue paper or soluble sheet transfers; and the results are not guaranteed to work out (just so you know).
I will be providing all of the designs to you as "printable" designs. Each page of the PDF handout for the first task will be able to print directly to fabric sheets. These will then be hooped and the stitching done on top of the printed design. You do not need to "trace" any of the designs...unless you just don't want to print them on fabric sheets as I recommend.
I created my own printable fabric using freezer paper (tutorial is in the links above) for almost all of these motifs. (I forgot to print one...and then had to use a sheet of my purchased fabric sheets for that design). Or, if you can order printable sheets for your inkjet or lazer copier/printer from or other source for all designs. You will need only one standard 10-page package to print all of the designs provided (Wild Rose Blossoms, Daisies, Berry Vine, Apple Blossoms, Tiny Rose Frames, Birds & Insects, Pomegranate, and Ribbon Lady). I have tried very hard NOT to repeat the specific lessons in the Crazy Quilting Volume II: Ribbon Embellishments book, even though some stitches are of course the same. The "Ribbon Lady" is the only direct cross-over...and she has been requested so much that I knew you would demand she be in this course. So this course AND the book will give you all of the ribbon experience needed to create just about any motif you may desire to stitch!
You will of course need silk ribbon for this course. Multiple sizes (2mm, 4mm, 7mm & 13mm). You can use white for all tasks...and color then with ink markers (Promarker brand recommended)...or purchase various colors in the needed sizes. Substitution is possible...but not encouraged. Here are the sizes/colors the stitched models used. You can change the colors to suit your own personal "vision" of the flower/fruit/animal being created (read left side for task topics). (Satin and organza are poor substitutes for silk ribbon...but I know some of you international folks may have no choice but to use these. If so, you will work harder and the results will not be perfect...but it is managable for most of the tasks.)
Here is the chart for supplies (ribbon/thread): [click to enlarge the photo]. It is fine to change the colors if you prefer flowers of a different color (check the name in the far left side) but the sizes of ribbon should be maintained if possible...although I have listed substitutions in the remarks IF YOU MUST change the requirements.
A package of large chenille and tapestry needles are used for ribbon work. I expect you already have these from the work we did on the BCQC class.
Monday will be filled with responses to registrations and getting the class blog up and running; I'm working on the next book until don't expect an email until Monday please.
To register, please email me your NAME, State/Country, Email Address you wish to use for this course to
PLEASE do not register if you have not completed the BCQC-1 as it is a pre-registration requirement. (Note: the next open registration for BCQC-1 will be 15-17 January and this ICQC-105 course will repeat again this year if you miss out this time around.)
After sending your registration, I will respond with a "Welcome" email. If you don't receive this by Monday morning...then assume that I did not receive your information and resend the original email note. Note that I don't accept late registrations because these classes fill so fast.
This course (and all courses) will be held at an assigned Blog for this specific class. You will need access to a working computer to take this online course. If you are especially "tech saavy" perhaps you can manage with an Ipad or other tablet...but you will need to be able to print from it and take/upload photographs to the private class blog. In the past, laptops and desktops perform great...but tablets did not usually work out as be advised.
Looking forward to this new course!